Wednesday, November 16, 2011

For Harry Potter fans

I belong to 2 book clubs. One we all read the same book and then discuss it. The other we all buy a current hard cover book and pass it around. So we get to read a wonderful variety of current fiction or non-fiction books. We meet once a month and have a speaker talk to us, usually stimulating us to read something else.

Last night Judge Karen Morris spoke to us about a book she wrote. She is a local judge and also teaches at Monroe Community College. Because she teaches, she also writes text books so went to a book sellers convention several years ago. As she tells it, she loves the law and because she teaches, she likes to make what some people think is dull, fun.

Karen had not read any of the Harry Potter books, but at the same time as this convention one of the books was going on sale at midnight and she wondered who would turn up for a kids book at midnight. She was amazed at the crowd and the variety of ages. And subsequently found out that other authors were writing books such as 'The Science of Harry Potter'. Karen got the idea that it might be fun to write a book about the law and Harry Potter.

So Karen Morris wrote 'Law Made Fun Through Harry Potter's Adventures'. Her review was fun and the book is available through Amazon and Barnes and Noble on line in paperback and e-reader. Last night I couldn't resist and ordered it on my Kindle and have started reading it. It is interesting the way she compares "Hogwarts" law to "muggle" (regular people) law. This is a fun book for Harry Potter fans. The good thing about the e-reader is I have the book right away and the problem with the e-reader is that Karen can't autograph it for me. (She only had a few books with her)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Where Does The Time Go?

Colleen was here for a visit a few years ago and asked me what quilt projects I was working on. So I showed her and was surprised to find I had 10 projects in various stages of being done ... or not. I have moved on from there, but still have projects I'm trying to complete.

Last night Colleen called to chat and during the conversation she mentioned an organization that might like some pillowcases ... "and it shouldn't take too long to make 25 of them by Christmas, would it, Mom?"

So I dismissed it after I counted up all the projects I had in various stages of "doness" now. Let's see, 2 baby quilts (I Spy) for expecting neighbors, 3 comfort (charity) quilts basted ready for quilting, a quilt for our bed because the one we have is getting thread bare (1/2 hand quilted), a neighbors quilt top I acquired at a sale (3 years and still hand quilting), a Germany remembrance and a small Thanksgiving wall hanging that I finished last night.

This morning I had to go down to the sewing room for some laundry and what did I find myself doing? Laundry? Oh, no! I was going through my stash of fabric to see what I could use for pillowcases! Now my mostly cleaned up sewing room is not so pristine ... again!

And that's where the time goes. Not to a current project, but to new ones. Now I'm going to work on finishing ... something ... but those pillowcase fabrics are calling. I think I'll email Colleen the directions for making the pretty pillowcases. She can do some, too.

Oh, yes, PT is working. I'm bending my leg back to 120° so PT is almost over, although Mike (PT) said that in order to keep in this good shape I should think of exercise as a life long activity. But there are those pillowcases to get done!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


It's been 4 weeks and 2 days since I had my left knee replaced and I'm making headway. Today I had PT and Lynelle had me do several exercises all the while encouraging me to do my best. I knew I was further along than I was with the right knee at the same time & Lynelle was also curious so she looked up my records.

At 4 weeks and 2 days with my right knee I was bending my leg to 74 degrees and today I'm bending my left knee to 100 degrees! And this time I'm also able to straighten my leg better. I am very pleased!

The funniest part of the day was when Lynelle wanted me to do some exercises on the floor so she asked me if I could get down there. I said, "Sure, but could I get up again?" Down I went and went through all Lynelle asked of me. Then I had to get up. I'm SO glad there was no camera. We laughed a lot, but with both legs not 100% healed it was a challenge, but I made it. I sure do need to work on getting off the floor gracefully. Did Chuck or Lynelle help me? No. They were too busy laughing along with me. I'll not be gardening for a while. Next spring will be better, I'm sure.

Friday, September 2, 2011

New Left Knee

This is the year of replacements ... my right knee, Chuck's left hip, refrigerator, floor in computer room, both bathrooms painted and now my left knee. We are so lucky that all physical problems have gone smoothly so far. Well, except for the first schedule of the knee when I went into atrial fibrillation ... but that is under control and seems to have been a fluke. How quickly we forget.

This left knee seems to be easier than the right one for me & I don't think it's just because I'm familiar with the procedure. The medical staff have told me they usually find the opposite; people have more problems with the second knee. My problem is not doing too much as my bone is still weakened. It feels so good to stand at the sink with equal weight on both legs and be comfortable.

Bending the leg is pretty good, too. I was not anywhere near 90ยบ after 2 weeks last time nor was my leg as straight. I am not as swollen, either, but a lovely black, blue & green. And, yes, I am taking those pain pills. I'll be so glad when I can situate myself in bed comfortably. I like to sleep on my side and have difficulty as my knee says it doesn't want to move that way.

We have had some meals delivered and they are such a wonderful help. Chuck has been doing a great job of waiting on me and I love that the weather is warm so I can be outside. I've picked a few weeds and dead headed some blossoms and the yard looks pretty good. What I really want to do is some real digging in the soil. Some of the daylilies need to be divided. I know, it won't be long. Patience, Claire.

So I'll sit and read. "The Geeks Shall Inherit The Earth" is an interesting book about cliques in school & I enjoyed the new Ursula Hegi book & if you like a different mystery "Sister" is very good. And I forgot to add Ann Patchett's new book "State of Wonder. Good reading!

Time for my pain pill as I have physical therapy in 1 hour. Those PT people are so good at encouraging me to push just a little harder. It hurts, but the end result is SO worth it!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Got it!

We now have the new refrigerator in the kitchen and the one that was in the kitchen is in the basement and the "broken" one from the basement is gone. When the men were finished Chuck asked me if everything was working OK ... and I said no. The basement one was plugged in, but was not running. So when Chuck went down to look at it, he saw that it was not plugged in to the correct socket. I didn't know there was a "correct" socket. I used the one that was used before.

What we finally figured out was that the electricians who were doing some electrical work unplugged the refrigerator and then plugged it into another outlet that was right next to the one that was supposed to be used. Now every time we turned off the light we also turned off the electricity for the refrigerator. Of course, we didn't realize this until we got the new appliance installed. And by that time they had tossed ... yes, actually tossed ... our perfectly good basement refrigerator on the truck and hauled it away.

The moral of this story is that I need to pay attention to the things Chuck has been doing. That means I need to pay attention to car care. Luckily I am in the know about our finances.

The great news is that Chuck went for his 6 week checkup for his hip replacement and the doctor said he was in excellent shape with no restrictions. He is at the 3 month stage after only 6 weeks. He is SO glad to be independent. We are very lucky to have our older years just be inconveniences.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Getting it!

We went window shopping at Home Depot for a replacement basement refrigerator/freezer. I was explaining to the salesperson what I REALLY wanted (see previous blog) and when I said it was too wide to fit down our stairway she said, "Even with the doors off?"

So when I got home I measured ... and it will go down with room to spare! I called and asked if when they delivered, would they make a 3 way exchange ... bring my kitchen refrigerator downstairs, take the basement one out and bring the new one into the kitchen. The answer was, "No."

Next I called Charlotte Appliance and they said, "Sure!" It will be delivered on Monday and is the same price as the one at Home depot.

Now I'm taking a break from cleaning up the basement so the exchange will go smoothly. We have 3 big coolers to store cold food in, but they aren't big enough for all the food to be out before the big, strong men lift, haul, push, or lug the appliances into their proper spots. I'll have to cook (ugh) and eat (mmm) before they deliver the new beauty. No more perishable food shopping until Tues!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

New refrig ... dream on ...

So the basement refrigerator died and I got all excited! I have wanted a refrigerator with a freezer on the bottom for years, but am too thrifty to just get one while the ones I have are very serviceable. So I took my yardstick and measured all spaces. Yes, my kitchen one will fit in the space of the refrigerator that died. Then I found one that fits in the kitchen space ... and it was on sale!

So next I shared the information with Chuck. He looked at all of it and said it wasn't bad, but did I measure the doorway to the basement? He thinks of everything! The kitchen refrigerator is too wide. We'd have to take off all kinds of door frames and then get them back up. With all the other work we have going on, we'll do without the freezer on the bottom.

What other upcoming work? We had de-icers put on the roof & now will have some electrical work done ... something with the main electric box. We are having the front porch painted, the floor in the computer room is getting new flooring ... rug is the pits ... and both bathrooms will be painted. That's enough for this season. The computer room will be the most work as we have lots of "stuff" in it and that all needs to be sorted, tossed & cleared out. I've started. I have a LOT of outdated computer things.

Cindy planted the rest of the annuals for us and we are going to enjoy the abundance of color in the yard. It looks pretty good.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

... another knee

2 days after I had my right knee done I thought, "Why would anyone have this done again!" As I got better I began to not totally reject the thought. And after only a few weeks the cortisone (which I had 2 weeks before my right knee got fixed) has totally worn off my left knee and now I can hardly wait for the work to be done.

The cortisone has quickly worn off my left knee, it is throbbing, bone on bone, the leg is no longer straight and because I am on a blood thinner I can't take an anti-inflammatory to reduce the pain to a discomfort level, so it is time. Dr. Niles is going to give me another new knee on Aug. 22. When I told him that was the date I wanted he asked if I could wait that long. I want Chuck to completely heal, not spend the whole summer inside and it is when Colleen said she could come and help.

We are so lucky because Chuck's new hip is doing very well and I am finished with out-patient physical therapy so we are well on our way to total recovery. Chuck is still with home PT and Jessica gave me some exercises to continue my progress, which I am doing in the pool 2-3 times a week. West Irondequoit has a free swim for seniors and being in the water takes the pressure off the left leg so I can really work on those exercises.

Now Chuck and I are off to 2 outings ... a Red Cross luncheon and our neighbors (mother - MS and son - HS) graduation party. First outing for Chuck ... besides chatting with all the neighbors that pass by while he is outside.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Ahead of Schedule

I can't believe the progress. Jessica, the physical therapist, told me after she got my leg back to 120˚ that if they had an ad for their facility and I was in the ad, they'd have to put a disclaimer saying that all do not progress as well as I have. I looked at her skeptically & thanked her for the build up. No build up she told me. I'm doing very well and am ahead of schedule. Then she said she didn't want me to get tendinitis from patting myself on the back so much. Funny woman!

Cile, a woman I swim with also had surgery, but on her foot and I asked a mutual friend how Cile was doing. Maggie replied, "She is like you. Ahead of schedule and complaining that she hasn't done better." I really think that doing the water exercises before surgery helped a lot with the healing.

And now I'm ready for Chuck to get his hip replaced. Surgery is set for 7:30 AM on the 16th. He is SO looking forward to feeling better.

Colleen is coming up to help so that will be good. Now I'm going to get those last minute quilt projects finished before the show June 3, 4 & 5.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Well, water walking. I got a call from PT that my therapist went home with a stomach bug and therapy was canceled for today. So I decided to try the pool. It has been 7 weeks and felt good.

First I was greeted like royalty and then cautioned to not over do. Believe me, I didn't. The knee felt funny, but the exercise felt good. I did what the therapist had me do last week, but in the water and it took the pressure off the other knee.

I went for a walk last week and as I was nearing home I felt my knee was bothering me. I laughed when I realized it was not the repaired knee, but the other one. I will get it evaluated, but not going to have surgery right away. I want to enjoy the nice weather. I had a cortisone shot in my left knee about 2 weeks before surgery and it lasted about 8 weeks. I really used that knee a lot & now it's saying "enough!"

I was so glad when Dr. Niles told me I could drive. Chuck had me drive home and I have no problem.

Chuck goes in for his much needed hip replacement on May 16. Poor Chuck is very uncomfortable, but it isn't stopping him. He just is doing some moaning. I know when Chuck complains of pain it is REALLY bad. And he will be having Lynelle and Tracy for his therapists, too. Our neighbor Jeff brought down the lounge chair for Chuck and he is somewhat more comfortable. No, I was not going to give up mine. It is the perfect height and is so nice to be able to have the leg comfortably up after working the leg.

The washer is calling me to dry the clothes, so I'll take care of that and then perhaps a nap ... forget the perhaps.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Today was another day of PT and I didn't feel I'd progressed, but I have! I bent my leg back 100˚! That's from 96˚ 2 days ago! And it's getting easier each day. I have 2˚ more to go to get my leg completely straight. Walking is more comfortable each day and I have not taken pain pills ... except before Lynelle comes. And then ice after PT. Now if the weather would co-operate and stop the snow & rain, I'd get out to walk more.

Standing is still a problem. Chuck got me a fresh pineapple which I cleaned and cut up ... and then I was ready to sit. Before that I was antsy about 1 minute after standing.

Tues. I get my 6 week check up and he'd better tell me I can drive! I'm ready!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I'm sitting and icing my knee after PT, but only because Lynelle said to; not because I'm hurting. Yes, she pushed me, but I'm finding it easier. I only have about 2 degrees more for straight, but can't see how that will happen until all the swelling goes away. "They" tell me that may take 3 months. And bending is consistently improving.

Last night I walked up the stairs using alternating legs! It wasn't easy, but it worked!

Last week after downloading some software ... security updates, etc. my computer started acting strange. I tried "fixing" it, because I always seem to think it's something I have done, I finally called the Apple store. We made an appointment at the Genius Bar and they fixed it. We were there from 2 until 7, which was a long time up and about for me, but the good news was that I did it! I even walked the mall somewhat, exercised, listened while the Geniuses told me what they were going to try next ... Greek to me ... went to dinner, Chuck bought a pair of slip on shoes for his impending hip surgery and enjoyed a Starbucks Chai. Wish I had remembered to bring my Kindle ... next time.

A week from today I see Dr. Niles & am hoping he'll say I can drive. I still can't stand for long, but even that is getting better.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Reality Check

OK. It's been 4 weeks since the new knee and I thought I'd be much more independent by now. I expressed my frustration to Lynelle (PT) and she patiently explained that even though this is now a routine procedure, it is still major surgery and that I am progressing very well. Lynelle also said the next progress will not be in big leaps and bounds, but that I am walking very well and gaining more stamina each time she visits. She is pleased so I guess I should be, too. Now if I remember correctly, I recall being told the first few weeks are the toughest, not that I'd be all healed. Oh, how we read into what is said and not the reality. I'm now adjusted so will be content with my progress.

Yesterday I walked outside quite a bit ... oh, it was such nice weather & felt so good! I saw Matt Truesdale on my walk and he asked how I was doing. I told him that I would be having the Physical Terrorist this afternoon. No sympathy from him! He grinned and said that means she's doing her job.

I'm going to try and machine sew on the binding to Judy's quilt as I don't have a therapist visit today. Yes, I'll do my exercises even without the PT visit, too, but I haven't been in the sewing room for 4+ weeks. I'm having real withdrawal!

Tomorrow I'm going to try choir and Thurs. is quilt club. I'll go for show & tell, lunch and the speaker. Then Fri. is the Pops concert. The last August Wilson play is on Sunday afternoon @ GEVA. I'll see how I do at the Pops concert before I decide about the play. I hear it's a long one. But I don't want to miss it. See? That's my problem. I don't want to miss anything.

Just got a notice that Sue Nickels, our quilt club speaker, will not be able to come as she is attending a family crisis. So Pat Berardi has agreed to do a trunk show. I like Pat's work!

Off to do something physical ... walking, stretching & bending. Have to get in good shape to take as good care of Chuck as he has been doing for me!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Yesterday we met with some friends at Bill Gray's & there wasn't enough room for all of us to sit together so the "boys" got a booth & the "girls" had a table. I've been watching Chuck grimace each time he gets up from a chair & trying to encourage him not to wait for me to heal completely before he starts the process of getting his hip replaced. The "boys" convinced him so he called Dr. Niles and has his first appointment April 14. Yippee!

I had a different therapist yesterday and have to work harder on getting my leg straight. The bending is S L O W L Y progressing, but straightening seems to be at a stand still. Lynelle measured 5° and Tracy measured 10° so I'm stretching every hour or so and rubbing and massaging.

I went outside today and tomorrow is supposed to be warmer ... 60°s. Perhaps we can think of putting away our winter clothes soon.

Off to bend & stretch some more.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I'll bet you thought PT stood for Physical Therapy. Officially that's correct, but now I know why I've heard it referred to as Pain and Torture or Physical Terrorist. Lynelle looks like such a sweet, gentle young woman. She has a way of getting my new knee to do things that I didn't think it could do yet. Those muscles & tendons are being WORKED! And it's working! My knee is bending and straightening better with each exercise session ... with or without Lynelle's supervision. Ice, pain pills and rest make it all worth it.

And we have been blessed with friends that have shared meals with us. It's like going to a different eatery with a delicious variety of shared food & company. I'd better not get too used to this. Chuck really appreciates not having to think about what to fix or standing to fix dinner as his hip is ready for Dr. Niles to repair.

The "snow" word was mentioned again in the weather forecast. Lynelle said we could go outside as soon as the weather gets warmer. I'm SO looking forward to warmer weather and being out in it. I hope I remember being cold when the weather gets too warm. Not much we can do about the weather. And we are looking forward to grilling weather.

Time to do another round of exercises. Those PT people know what they are doing, so I'll follow their instructions.

Friday, March 25, 2011

It's Good to be HOME!!

I'll try this again. Just as I was ready to "publish" I received an "error" message & lost what I wrote ... except for the title.

I know the Unity Joint Replacement Center did a wonderful job, but there is nothing like being at home. I am keeping up with some exercises even though they did not give me a regiment to follow. So, ankle pumps, butt squeezes and leg raises are the steady diet. Plus I am working at gently bending my leg back while at the kitchen table. I don't want to loose what I've accomplished so far.

Had Kristen, the nurse, check me out this morning with good results & tomorrow Diana the PT will be here. Kirsten said they do not expect you to do much work on the knee so the swelling goes down before the hard work begins. I thought what I did was hard work. Apparently that was a warm up. I asked Diana to be gentle and she said she would be ... the first day.

And we don't have to fix dinner for 2 days thanks to our neighbor, Michelle, and one of my "sisters", Kay.

My goal is to be well enough to sit at my sewing machine to work on a quilt or wall hanging. In the mean time I will happily do hand quilting. Of course, if I can go down to sew, I'll be able to do laundry & I don't know if Chuck is ready to give that up because he is doing a wonderful job.

I'd better get started on that hand sewing. It will also keep me warm.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


That's 9° more than yesterday that I could bend my leg back ... hurts, but worth every ache! The aches are now occasionally rather than constant. I'm also on less pain medicine. Every bit of advice I've gotten from former recipients of new knees is true. Work hard = good results.

The big news is that they are looking to send me home on Thurs. No more overcooked veggies! Still lots of PT at home & looks like lots of visitors from health related fields checking in.

OK. Short nap time before lunch and the next PT ... unless a doctor, phlebotomist, nurse, aide, dietician, social worker, visitor, secretary, etc, etc. need me for something very important.

Monday, March 21, 2011


... a little each day. Only 72° today, but that's 1 degree more than the last time. That's not the temperature, but the distance I can bend my leg back ... and it hurt. And I folded towels (for balance & how long you can stand) and then had to pick up dropped clothes and hang them on the hanger (more balance).

I finished "Sarah's Key" by Tatiana de Rosnay which is an excellent book. It's about WWII Jews in France. The author did a great job of weaving facts of history with an imagined story ... a very moving story.

Remember that brown roast beef I mentioned yesterday? Today it was beef tips with noodles. Great oatmeal for breakfast.

Enjoy your day!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Lifted my leg ... without support!!

Sunday is the day of rest? Not here, unless you call a little sleeping in and only 1 therapy today, rest. But even though I'm griping, I'm making progress. Holding my leg in the air without a person or strap for support, as I get out of bed has been a killer, but I did it today. Walking & stairs aren't bad. Sitting with the knee bent isn't comfortable. But each day is a visible improvement because I can do more or it's easier. Got my pants, shoes & socks on by myself.

My incentive? Nancy ... no last names of the innocent are used. She was the woman in the room next to me at the hospital that screamed all night the first night & made me sleep deprived. When we went to PT, there she was ... sound asleep & nobody could wake her up. She missed 1 entire day of work and I heard her yell several times during the day. I felt so sorry for her as she looked like she had other health problems too and would be rehabbing much longer than me.

Yesterday in rehab she was raising her knee replaced leg off the bed unassisted like she should, and I must say, she looked healthier, too. Not fair. Today she went home ... her goal ... to her 1 story house.

I've never been known to be speedy (no laughing) about anything, so I'll be happy to do my usual slow and steady.

When will I be home? When I can walk a distance and the therapists are across the room not worrying about me ... same with the stairs & when I can bend my knee back to a 90° angle. My incentive? Chuck's grilling! Veggies here are overcooked, gravy is a staple, beef is very brown ... no redness. I am eating healthy & don't have much of an appetite & there are lots of choices ... certainly not loosing weight, even with the hard work. They serve small portions with plenty of calories.

That's all for today ... nap time!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

It works!

I tried to get the computer to work in the hospital and it didn't, but here at the rehabilitation center it is working like a dream!

So, I have a new knee and it works ... not well or easily yet, but every day is an improvement. Surgery was on Monday and they had me dressed Tuesday morning by 6:30 AM. Shannon was firm and kept pushing, but I hurt even with the pain pill. I wanted to punch her because I was SURE I couldn't do anything. I did. When she left me in the chair I bawled. Then I scolded myself and ate breakfast. Then Colleen called and I unloaded for 2 minutes when they picked me up for therapy. I couldn't believe how much better I felt after therapy! I called Colleen right back after that session and she was so glad to hear the difference in my attitude.

Of course it didn't help that I was sleep deprived on Tuesday because the woman in the next room was in pain and screaming all night ... then they couldn't wake her up during therapy. I also napped, but after therapy and everything has been moving S L O W L Y since then, but moving forward.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Ready to go

I'm ready ... mostly. I got my second pre-surgery haircut and Laurie said that's all I get for the right knee. Surgery is scheduled for 10:00 AM on Mon. I've got my clothes ready to be packed, phone charged & Chuck will bring the computer on Tues. for me to report progress. Now to relax.

Yesterday was a great day starting out with quilt club. Pricilla Kibbee did a wonderful garment trunk show and then I went to the RPO, the first one without Judy.

... and speaking of Judy, we (Karen Alexander, Sue Donovan and I) got her friendship quilt top pieced and ready to sign and show her. Judy loved the Laurel Burch fabrics we used.

Karen, Mary Lu, JUDY, Martha, Rosalie, me, Chryss and Sue. This picture was taken by Sue ... isn't the timer on a camera handy for getting the photographer in the picture, too? And it worked!

Cindy suggested I also make a quilt for Ozzie, because the cat is moving, too, so I did. Thanks for adding to the fabric stash, Cindy.

I think Ozzie will like it. I know Judy did when I gave it to her. And I got assurance from her family that they will take good care of her. (I know they will, but had to ask anyway.)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Ups & Downs

It's been a long time ... again, but I think I'll try to continue. It will be an easier way to keep everyone that is interested up-to-date with my knee replacement starting on March 14.

I'm ready now and hope I'll behave properly. Some of you may know that it was scheduled for Jan. 31 and I got as far as the operating table and had atrial fibrillation so they postponed surgery until they figured out why. After all kinds of tests and not finding anything ... no blockage & a strong heart they blame it on? You guessed it! Age. So I'm on meds and am ready to go ... again.

And I'm getting ready by finishing up some projects. The first is my Puzzle Quilt that I started in a class from Paula Nadelstern. It is done and on the wall. There are 16 blocks and each of 6 pieced blocks are repeated 2 or 3 times. Here is the key:
Block 2 Block 1 Block 2 Block 3
Block 5 Block 4 Block 5 Block 4
Block 1 Block 4 Block 2 Block 3
Block 6 Block 1 Block 5 Block 6
That means all the Block 1's are made with the same pattern pieces, but the different fabrics make them look entirely different. All the block 6 blocks look like the same pieces to me, but all the block 1 blocks do not, but is. Fabric placement is key.

What a lot of work and lots of fussy cutting, but so much fun and a big challenge. I'll do more like this, but table runner size.