Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014 Begins

This time it was our turn to host New Year's Eve. We have been getting together for over 40 years with our friends. Some have moved away and some are no longer with us, but we are still together. When our children come home we reminisce about all the good times together, but New Year's eve was just the adults.

We decided to get together in our homes because we lived close to each other and had small children and didn't want to travel far, but did want to celebrate together. It was before cell phones … come to think of it, we all have cell phones now, but most of us forget to turn them on and we do not have smart phones. The parties were easy and fun because we shared the food preparation. The hosts had to come up with some entertainment. Easy!

Now I'm 79 and I dreaded the upcoming party. Why? The entertainment! We love getting together, but we can't just sit around and look at each other until midnight. Finally I just took the bull by the horns. I got together a couple of activities (count all the nativity sets and snowmen I have) and another that I'll explain later. First we snacked on appetizers and talked, then the activities … oh, dear, it was only 10:15 … almost 2 hours yet to go, but as I'm pondering what to do next I noticed that everyone is engaged in conversation and enjoying each other. So I relaxed. Someone suggested we have our dessert before midnight. Perfect.

Because I was agonizing about the upcoming party, I realized how lazy or unmotivated I've become. And I've heard some of the others doing a little of the same kind of grumbling. It's seemed like such an effort. We do love getting together. I've known since Jan. 1, 2013 that it was my turn.

Then about the first week in Dec. I had a change in attitude and wondered why? I had (still have?) bursitis in my hip and for over a year have been hurting. Medicine and cortisone did not help so I've gone for extensive physical therapy. And it worked! I am pain free (hope it lasts), have energy and am happier. Pain takes a lot out of you I've come to realize.

I also realized I don't have any fulfilling goals. Yes I have a bucket list, but that's not the same, but it may be enough at this stage of my life. So I asked everyone to list some goals … and that got the discussion started. It wasn't easy because we have new challenges to deal with, but I think it helped. It did for me.

And that's what friends are for, to support each other. I forgot to take pictures of us, but here is a fairly recent one.

It isn't all of us, and Cheri (Frenz) & Jim Klyczek were our hosts (the 2 younger looking ones) at Niagara Community College Culinary Institute. Here are 2 other pictures taken the same day:

So what is my goal? I really hate to exercise, but must do it in order to stay healthy. Maplewood "Y" has a wonderful instructor for seniors and I'm going to try to go regularly. Anja is very attuned to our individual needs and helps us when we need it. I'll work on other goals. Good luck with yours.

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