Sunday, September 7, 2008

Only 2 more days

I am so wired and excited I can hardly sit still. Chuck keeps laughing at me ... not with me. Earlier this week I couldn't sleep ... all these lists running through my head. Finally, after the second sleepless night I made a written list. Then I kept working at it and it is done. Slept like a baby the next night.

When I have a list to do I go like crazy, as my brother and sister-in-law will tell you. I wasn't sure which cell phone they were bringing & because I want that information, I called them ... right then. 10:30 Rochester time is only 7:30 AM their time ... they weren't awake, yet.

And I was on a quest for the perfect tote for the trip. So I made one to co-ordinate with my new jacket. Pockets galore. Perhaps a little too many, but those on the outside add to the decor. Had to do a dry run of my travel outfit. It will work.

Let's see, my hair is cut, the clothes are all ready for the suitcase, got a few Euros, notified the appropriate authorities, electronics are charged, cortisone shot in the knee works ... if we have more to do, I don't know what it is. We'll manage without it.

We have the use of a camcorder and practiced. Our neighbors dog looks good and so does my garden. No, you won't see them. Chuck apparently liked me pulling weeds & using the close or far view. :-( Piece of cake ... and the movie clips load onto my computer with ease!

And the dollar has a better rate! More shopping? Nah ... I don't need things, not that I might find a trinket or 2 to purchase.

Chuck has been checking our flights and they have gone on time for weeks. Yes, he is excited, too. So we are trying to wait until Wednesday, but waiting is SO HARD!

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