Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I'll bet you thought PT stood for Physical Therapy. Officially that's correct, but now I know why I've heard it referred to as Pain and Torture or Physical Terrorist. Lynelle looks like such a sweet, gentle young woman. She has a way of getting my new knee to do things that I didn't think it could do yet. Those muscles & tendons are being WORKED! And it's working! My knee is bending and straightening better with each exercise session ... with or without Lynelle's supervision. Ice, pain pills and rest make it all worth it.

And we have been blessed with friends that have shared meals with us. It's like going to a different eatery with a delicious variety of shared food & company. I'd better not get too used to this. Chuck really appreciates not having to think about what to fix or standing to fix dinner as his hip is ready for Dr. Niles to repair.

The "snow" word was mentioned again in the weather forecast. Lynelle said we could go outside as soon as the weather gets warmer. I'm SO looking forward to warmer weather and being out in it. I hope I remember being cold when the weather gets too warm. Not much we can do about the weather. And we are looking forward to grilling weather.

Time to do another round of exercises. Those PT people know what they are doing, so I'll follow their instructions.

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